Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Episode of the Day..."Criss Angel Is A Douche Bag"

A mysterious death draws Sam and Dean to a town full of old-school magicians. Their investigation leads them to Charlie (guest star John Rubenstein), Jay (guest star Barry Bostwick) and Vernon (guest star Richard Libertini), three friends who were famous magicians in their day but have now been replaced by flashier, younger magicians.
One of them has made a deal to acquire real magical powers, but the price was extremely high. Sam and Dean must figure out a way to reverse the spell before others are harmed.
Funny Quote:
Dean: What a douchebag.
Sam: That's Jeb Dexter.
Dean: I don't even want to know how you know that.
Sam: He's famous, kind of.
Dean: For what, douchebaggery

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